This is the privacy policy for Individual Pubs Ltd. To contact the data controller, email

Reasons for collection and processing of data shown in the tables below refer to Article 6 paragraph 1 of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Visitors to our website

Data type Why it is collected Who can access Reason Retention limit
IP address and browser version To help diagnose technical problems with the website when they occur Website administrators f) Legitimate interests 15 days after the access

We do not track visits to our website. When you visit the website, two cookies will be stored in your web browser. They are used only for the purposes shown below:

  • sessionid: to enable you to log in and use the website if you have a username and password, or to place online orders or table bookings
  • csrftoken: to prevent cross-site request forgery security attacks

If you attempt to make a booking or place an order, our payment processor Stripe will store one or more cookies in your web browser. These are described on the Stripe cookies policy page as cookies set on "merchant domain that includes stripe.js on a page".

Visitors to our pubs

Data type Why it is collected Who can access Reason Retention limit
CCTV images Public safety;
The prevention and detection of crime
Pub managers; shared with the police on request c) Legal obligation (at the Haymakers and Queen Edith)
e) Public interest
At most 30 days, unless longer retention is requested in writing by the police

Online orders and table bookings

Data type Why it is collected Who can access Reason Retention limit
Name and contact details To enable us to process your order or booking Bar staff (on the day of the order or booking); pub managers (afterwards) b) Contract 120 days
Payment card details To enable us to process your order or booking Our online payment processor, Stripe b) Contract See linked document